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Website Analysis



Brief Website Analysis


If your website is not performing as it should be and you don’t know why, this service will assist you by providing some clarity on what you need to do to get it back on track.

I will conduct a brief “first impressions” analysis of your website to check for any “red flags”, i.e. issues that could be impacting performance. I’ll focus on design and user experience issues only. Following this, I’ll write a 2 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 72 hours.

Brief SEO Analysis


If your website is not appearing at the top of search results and you don’t know why, this service will assist you by providing some clarity on what you need to do to ensure your website starts climbing up the ranks.

I will conduct a brief SEO analysis of your website to check if your website is properly optimised for search engines. Following this, I’ll write a 2 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 72 hours.

Brief Competitor Website Analysis


If you are in a competitive online marketplace and your website is not leading the pack, this service will assist you by providing some clarity on why your competitors are performing better than you.

I will research your online marketplace and conduct a brief analysis of 4 of your major competitor websites. I’ll focus on their positives and negatives, whilst looking out for any trends. Following this, I’ll write a 6 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 1 week.

Complete Brief Website Analysis Package


Save $100

This package includes: Brief Website Analysis, Brief SEO Analysis and Brief Competitor Website Analysis.

I will conduct a brief analysis of any design and user experience issues, SEO issues and 4 of your major competitor websites. Following this, I’ll write a 10 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 2 weeks.

Detailed Website Analysis


If your website is not performing as it should be and you don’t know why, this service will assist you by providing some clarity on what you need to do to get it back on track.

I will conduct a detailed “first impressions” analysis of your website to check for any “red flags”, i.e. issues that could be impacting performance. I’ll focus on design and user experience issues only. Following this, I’ll write a 4 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 1 week.

Detailed SEO Analysis


If your website is not appearing at the top of search results and you don’t know why, this service will assist you by providing some clarity on what you need to do to ensure your website starts climbing up the ranks.

I will conduct a detailed SEO analysis of your website to check if your website is properly optimised for search engines. Following this, I’ll write a 4 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 1 week.

Detailed Competitor Website Analysis


If you are in a competitive online marketplace and your website is not leading the pack, this service will assist you by providing some clarity on why your competitors are performing better than you.

I will research your online marketplace and conduct a detailed analysis of 8 of your major competitor websites. I’ll focus on their positives and negatives, whilst looking out for any trends. Following this, I’ll write a 10 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 2 weeks.

Complete Detailed Website Analysis Package


Save $200

This package includes: Detailed Website Analysis, Detailed SEO Analysis and Detailed Competitor Website Analysis.

I will conduct a detailed analysis of any design and user experience issues, SEO issues and 8 of your major competitor websites. Following this, I’ll write a comprehensive 18 page report on my findings, which will include recommendations on how your website could be improved. Turnaround time is 3 weeks.